Do you have genital warts causing discomfort or concern? The excision of condyloma is an effective treatment to remove these growths and prevent further complications. Visit Sioufi Urology for a consultation and personalized treatment options.

How it works

A thorough examination to assess the extent of the warts and discuss the procedure.

Warts are surgically removed using a scalpel or other surgical instruments.

Local anesthesia is applied to numb the area.

The area may be closed with sutures, if necessary, and dressed to promote healing.

Complete removal of genital warts
Relief from discomfort and irritation
Reduced risk of transmission to sexual partners
Improved cosmetic appearance
Prevention of potential complications such as malignancy
Possible bleeding or infection at the surgical site
Scarring or changes in skin texture
Recurrence of warts if HPV persists
Discomfort during the healing process
How long does the procedure take?The circumcision usually lasts about 40 minutes.
Is adult circumcision painful?A local anesthetic is used to minimize pain during the procedure. Post-operative pain is usually mild and manageable with over-the-counter pain relievers.
What are the potential benefits of open-end vasectomy?Reduction of post-vasectomy discomfort.
How long does recovery take?Recovery usually takes 2 to 3 weeks. Most men can return to work and normal activities within a few days, avoiding strenuous activities until completely healed.
When can I return to work after adult circumcision?Most men can return to work within a few days, depending on the nature of their work and their comfort level.
What activities can I do or not do?Avoid strenuous activities, heavy lifting, and sexual intercourse for at least 4 to 6 weeks to ensure healing
Will I still be able to ejaculate after a vasectomy?Yes, semen volume remains unchanged.