Overview of Bladder Infection
Cystitis, commonly known as a bladder infection, is a type of urinary tract infection (UTI) that occurs when bacteria enter the urethra and multiply in the bladder. This condition can cause painful and frequent urination, and if left untreated, it may lead to more serious health issues.

Causes and risk factors
Bladder infections are usually caused by bacteria entering the urethra. Risk factors include sexual activity, use of certain birth control methods, pregnancy, menopause, and urinary retention. Women are more prone to bladder infections due to their shorter urethra.
Diagnosis of Bladder Infection
Diagnosis involves reviewing your symptoms and medical history, as well as a physical exam. Diagnostic tests may include:
Reviewing symptoms
Urine analysis and culture
Cystoscopy to view the bladder
Medical imaging if abnormalities are suspected

Treatment for Bladder Infection
Treatment typically includes antibiotics to clear the infection. Preventative measures include staying hydrated, emptying the bladder regularly, and taking cranberry or probiotic supplements.
A course of antibiotics may be prescribed to speed up recovery and reduce symptoms. In some cases, cystitis may resolve on its own without medication.

Stay hydrated
Empty your bladder regularly
Eat yogurt with active cultures
Take cranberry or vitamin C supplements
Void immediately after sexual activity